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Cooperation Congo "COCO"

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Coopera Congo

We are a local association which name means "THANK YOU"

COCO, which means “thank you” in the Mashi language, is a local, national NGO that focuses its work in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since 2008, we have been dedicated to healing and strengthening communities deeply affected by armed conflict, extreme poverty, epidemics and natural disasters. Our commitment is unique: we unite the emotional and psychological well-being of people with the preservation and restoration of the environment and its biodiversity, especially great apes.


We distinguish ourselves by our comprehensive approach that works on the 3 R's:

  1. Climate Resilience: We restore and protect local ecosystems.

  2. Economic Resilience: We promote sustainable development and economic opportunities for communities.

  3. Psychological Resilience: We provide psychosocial support to heal trauma and promote emotional well-being.


In the context of a silent war that has devastated eastern Congo, Coopera Congo works tirelessly to restore hope and build a safer, more resilient and healthier future for all.


Our champion is the MUTIMA Psychosocial Centre, a sanctuary for women, children, young people, adults and the elderly whose traumas continue to bleed. From the centre, we train the best mental health professionals in modern techniques for the psychological and psychiatric treatment of trauma. In addition, we raise awareness in the community, carry out economic programmes for women, do research in mental health and launch crisis intervention units in places where the pain is concentrated: internally displaced people, survivors of sexual violence, victims of catastrophes and epidemiological outbreaks.

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